Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hey There!

Hello everyone, the old guy is glad to be a part of the team. Hope that we all can make this class alot of fun. We can help each other if we'd like to. Just don't give up!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

First blog for ED 638

Hello all!

My apologies for missing the first class. I look forward to meeting everyone on Thursday.


First Blog

Hello Dr.Rivera and all ED638 classmates! I look forward to our long journey this semester and I hope that we can all pull through the work. I guess right now I'm a little overwhelmed just looking at all the work ahead of us. Hopefully I'll change my internet carrier to MCV or GTA so that I don't have to wait 10 minutes for my laptop just to start up. I'll see you all Tuesday.


Hafa Adai and welcome to our class blog! I'm glad to see that a couple of you have already made entries. You will be posting your entries here weekly throughout the semester. Take care, and happy blogging!

-Dr. Rivera :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hi ED638 Classmates!

Hello! I am looking forward to a wonderful semester with everyone. See everyone on Tuesday!

Friday, August 22, 2008

An image???

Just trying to post something with an image....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Posting....

Just trying to figure out how to post an entry....