Thursday, November 6, 2008

dry runthrough....

We had a dry run on our presentation tonight. All of us went to the sites that we will present on and tried to talk 4-5 minutes per site. We learned a lot about some of the problems that we may encounter. I also realized that I need to make notecards and start practicing so that I do not become disoriented and sound disorganized when I present.

It was a good practice session though. Next Thursday should see major improvements for the final rehearsal and we should be ready to go on Friday.... hopefully.


Kate Pappano said...

I love the picture Greg! I hope we get just as great a turnout! :)

I think next week's presentation will go over well; we all have a pretty good idea of what we need to improve on in our discussions.

Anonymous said...

Tonights run was very eye opening, I also need to sit down and organize my thoughts on notecards. Very funny cartoon!

Ceferino Duarosan, Jr. said...

You're going to do fine during the presentation. You can have 5 minutes of mine if you like.